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网络旺旺 2009-08-07 01:34

文件名 en_windows_7_ultimate_x86_dvd_x15-65921.iso邮寄日期 (UTC): 8/6/2009 9:59:54 AM
Available to Levels: MSDN OS (VL); VS Pro with MSDN Pro (VL); VS Pro with MSDN Premium (Empower); MSDN OS (Retail); VS Pro with MSDN Pro (Retail); MSDN Universal (Retail); VSTS Team Suite (VL); VSTS Architecture (VL); VSTS Development (VL); VSTS Test (VL); VS Pro with MSDN Premium (VL); MSDN Universal (VL); VSTS Database (VL); VS Pro with MSDN Premium (Retail); VSTS Test (Retail); VSTS Development (Retail); VSTS Architecture (Retail); VSTS Team Suite (Retail); VSTS Database (Retail); BizSpark Admin; BizSpark; Visual Studio Professional with MSDN Embedded; 


xmfd 2019-08-08 00:11

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