主题 : 发行版发布:Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3
级别: 五分秋意
UID: 76075
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贡献值: 2 点
在线时间: 148(时)
注册时间: 2009-01-01
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0 发行版发布:Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3

发行版发布:Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3

Red Hat领导着Linux的开发、部署和经营,从嵌入式设备到安全网页服务器,它都是用开源软件作为Internet基础设施解决方案的领头羊。Red Hat由有远见的企业家Bob Young和Marc Ewing创建于1994年,它以源码开发作为营业模型的基础。它也代表了软件开发行业的一次根本转变。软件的原始代码对所有人都可以获得,使用该软件的开发人员可以自由地对其作改进。其结果是迅速的革新。Red Hat解决方案包括Red Hat Linux、开发人员和嵌入式技术,以及培训、管理和技术支持。这份开源革新通过称之为Red Hat Network的Internet平台传递给客户们。Red Hat的总部设在美国北卡罗莱纳州首府罗利。

Red Hat, Inc. has announced the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.3, the latest update to the RHEL 5 series: "RedHat, Inc. today announced the global availability of Red Hat EnterpriseLinux 5.3, featuring the latest open source, commercial-strengthtechnology innovations. In the third update to Red Hat Enterprise Linux5, customers will receive a wide range of enhancements, includingsignificantly increased virtualization scalability, expanded hardwareplatform support and incorporation of OpenJDK Java technologies.Customers with a Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription will receive theRed Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 update, which is available for immediatedownload from Red Hat Network." Read the formal press release and the detailed release notes for more information. Existing RHEL customers can download the updates or the updated ISO images from Red Hat Networks, while new customers can download a 30-day trial edition from the RHEL Evaluation Program page after filling in a registration form.
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