主题 : Qt Goes LGPL from Qt 4.5
级别: 五分秋意
UID: 76075
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注册时间: 2009-01-01
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0 Qt Goes LGPL from Qt 4.5

  Nokia to Add LGPL to Qt Licensing Model

Nokia today announced that its Qt cross-platform user interface (UI) and application framework for desktop and embedded platforms will be available under the open source LGPL version 2.1 license from the release of Qt 4.5, scheduled for March 2009.  In addition:

    * Qt source code repositories will be made publicly available and will encourage contributions from desktop and embedded developer communities.
    * Service offerings for Qt will be expanded to ensure that all Qt development projects can have access to the same levels of support, independent of the selected license.

http://www.qtsoftware.com/about/ ... -option-added-to-qt

http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/ ... rm-development.html

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