主题 : Dru - The One [R&B][60M]
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Dru - The One [R&B][60M]

Dru - The One [R&B][60M]

专辑名称:The One
唱片公司:Fontana North
Singer, songwriter and producer Dru (Andrew Grange) released his debut solo album “The One” on Tuesday September 30th, 2008, through major music retailers including HMV. On the same day, the album was rated 3.5 out of 4 stars in the Toronto Star.
01. The One
02. You Got Me
03. Would You Mind
04. What You Wanna Do
05. Can You Handle It
06. Blind Fold
07. Never Too Late
08. Through My Eyes
09. Not Fair
10. Seasons
11. Changes
12. Stay With Me (Always)

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