主题 : 新SB750南桥:Foxconn A79A-S主板预览图
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0 新SB750南桥:Foxconn A79A-S主板预览图

管理提醒: 本帖被 kjxg 执行锁定操作(2008-11-28)
2008年一月AMD发布了关于新SB750南桥的消息之后就一直倍受关注,现在给大家送上这款搭载SB750南桥的主板Foxconn A79A-S

12个USB接口,2个FireWire 400,2个eSATA。

As you can see, the labeling of components and connectors on the A79A-S are pretty miniscule. Otherwise, the layout is good, with the DIMM slots a healthy distance away from the PCIe slots.

The usual suspects are all here: coaxial and S/PDIF digital audio connectivity, dual Gigabit LAN ports, PS/2 ports, six USB ports, two eSATA ports and lastly, a FireWire 400 port.

This is where the new SB750 southbridge resides (under the heatsink of course). The LED debug readout is to its left, and if you look carefully, the CMOS reset button at the bottom right.

Another feature of the A79A-S is its use of 100% solid capacitors. Foxconn claims these solid capacitors are up to six times better at withstanding high temperatures than standard electrolytic ones. And complementing it are Ferrite Choke design inductors that hold energy better at a higher frequency than traditional iron cores, resulting in less power loss, and more stability/performance.

Here are the A79A-S's expansion slot options: four PCIe x16, one PCIe x1 and one PCI. Count them.

One last shot of the A79A-S. And if you are a AMD fanboy, you should check back for our full review later.
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