主题 : Windows 7将打破向后兼容性
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0 Windows 7将打破向后兼容性

管理提醒: 本帖被 都市小星星 从 『WINDOWS 7 专区』 移动到本区(2009-04-16)
       先前版本的Windows提供向后兼容旧版Windows ,使用户更容易地升级为他们最喜爱的节目仍然会工作。
       不过,与Windows 7微软正在接近向后兼容不同,和Windows 7将不会二进制兼容与较旧版本的。这并不意味着较旧的程序将无法运行,但虚拟化将被用来使他们运行。关键的驱动程序,这是性能方面进行了改进,而且在试图回避的规管程序。

      Vista的斗争与表现,因为微软选择把监管挑战的功能,例如Internet Explorer和Windows Media Player中使用模块化设计,而不是铁板一块,过程中使用的先前版本的Windows 。更广泛使用componentisation导致性能问题,由于人数的增加图书馆内部的作业系统。简而言之,更单独的文件中您的硬盘驱动器已经加载,慢,您的系统去运行。


       不被二进制兼容与以前版本的Windows和正在兴建的从地面,会在Windows 7显着的性能改善。这将使它更容易为开发商出示更快的应用服务,因为他们将不用担心向后兼容,但它会增加升级疼痛为用户谁可能会发现他们的一些现有的应用程序将不再工作,将需要升级。

提供原文如下:Windows 7 To Break Backwards Compatibility

Previous versions of Windows provided backwards compatibility with older versions of windows, making it easy for users to upgrades as their favourite programs would still work.

However, with Windows 7 Microsoft are approaching backwards compatibility differently, and Windows 7 will not be binary compatible with older versions. This won’t mean that older programs won’t run, but that virtualisation will be used to make them run. The key drivers for this are performance improvements, but also in an attempt to sidestep regulatory programs.

Vista struggles with performance because Microsoft choose to incorporate regulatory challenged features like Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player using a modular design, rather than the monolithic processes used in previous versions of windows. The greater use of componentisation led to performance issues due to the increased number of libraries within the operating system. Simply put, the more separate files your hard drive has to load, the slower your system is going to run.

Another reason why Vista runs so slowly is:

The operating system stores multiple copies of core system libraries, as each revision of a library typically adds/removes functions, and applications compiled with dynamic links to a specific version of a DLL file may call on functions not present in the currently installed library. Vista aims to solve this issue through the WinSxS collection; essentially a massive store of every differing version of libraries present on the system. That way, when an application makes a call for a dynamically linked library, Vista queries the WinSxS cache for the correct version, which is then loaded into memory. On the average system, this directory can be several gigabytes in size, with much of the code duplicated between the separate versions many times.

By not being binary compatible with previous versions of Windows and being built from the ground up, will give Windows 7 significant performance improvements. This will make it easier for developers to produce faster apps as they won’t have to worry about backwards compatibility, but it will increase the upgrade pain for users who may find that some of their existing applications will no longer work and will need upgrading.

Where do you lie on the trade-off between compatibility and speed? Do you think Microsoft are making a mistake here?

[ 此贴被失去紫的蓝在2008-07-05 21:26重新编辑 ]
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