主题 : Linux发行版:Linux From Scratch 6.5
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UID: 76075
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0 Linux发行版:Linux From Scratch 6.5

Linux FromScratch项目简称LFS,它提供必要的步骤,帮你一步一步地创建自己定制的Linux系统。关于为什么有人希望安装一套LFS系统,我们可以给出很多的理由。人们问得最多的问题是,既然可以下载到一份成型的套件比如Debian或者RedHat,为什么还要去争论从头开始手工安装一份Linux系统呢?这是一个很合理的问题,我将问答你。LFS存在的最重要的原因就是教给人们一个Linux系统其内部是如何工作的。自己创建一份LFS系统将让你了解到Linux工作的每个细节,以及它们是如何彼此依赖和协同工作的。最重要的在于,你可以按自己的喜好和需求定制它。

Linux From Scratch (LFS) 6.5has been released. Linux From Scratch isn't a distribution in thetraditional sense of the word, but rather a book containing a set ofinstructions for building a base Linux system from source code. Fromthe release announcement: "TheLinux From Scratch community is pleased to announce the release of LFSversion 6.5. This release includes numerous changes from LFS 6.4(including updates to Linux kernel, GCC 4.4.1, and glibc2.10.1) and security fixes. It also includes editorial work on theexplanatory material throughout the book, improving both the clarityand accuracy of the text." Besides the above-mentioned updates,the new version of Linux From Scratch also includes Bash 4.0,module-init-tools 3.10, udev 145 and many of the very latest GNUpackages. The complete 314-page book is available either as an online resource or as a downloadable file in HTML (175kB), XML (522kB) and PDF (1,453kB) formats. Happy compiling!
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