主题 : Epidemic GNU/Linux 3.0 Beta 2发布
级别: 五分秋意
UID: 76075
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发帖: 1382
威望: 4765 点
无痕币: 4174 WHB
贡献值: 2 点
在线时间: 148(时)
注册时间: 2009-01-01
最后登录: 2018-01-24

0 Epidemic GNU/Linux 3.0 Beta 2发布

Epidemic GNU/Linux是一份来自巴西的桌面Linux发行,它基于Debian GNU/Linux。其主要特色在于KDE桌面,易于使用的安装程序,包含CompizFusion的3D桌面特性,GFXBoot启动引导程序,对很多种私有及非自由内核驱动的即刻可用的支持,以及对各种多媒体编码解码器的支持。
The second beta release of Epidemic GNU/Linux 3.0, a Debian-based desktop distribution from Brazil, is now available for download and testing. Besides having fixed many of the bugs reported by beta testers, this build includes some important updates, such as: Linux kernel 2.6.26, KDE 4.2, OpenOffice.org 3.0 and Iceweasel 3.0; pre-configured Compiz Fusion; several new system administration modules, including Enetwork for network configuration, Easy Channel that provides a one-click method for installing proprietary device drivers, multimedia codecs and non-free software, and Ependrive which allows saving changes made during a live session to a USB storage device; various improvements to the Einstaller; dramatic reduction in boot times. Visit the project's home page to read the complete release announcement (in Portuguese). The installable live DVD is available for download (MD5) from here: epidemic-3.0-b2-3-i686.iso (1,339MB).
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