主题 : 发行版发布:Arch Linux 2009.02
级别: 五分秋意
UID: 76075
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发帖: 1382
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贡献值: 2 点
在线时间: 148(时)
注册时间: 2009-01-01
最后登录: 2018-01-24

0 发行版发布:Arch Linux 2009.02

ArchLinux是一份独立开发的、为i686优化的Linux发行,它面向高级Linux用户。它使用自行开发的包管理器pacman来为最新的应用软件提供更新升级,并进行完整的依赖性维护。Arch可以从光盘镜像或者从FTP服务器安装,它以一份连续演化的、动态的系统形式运作。缺省的安装提供一份坚实的基础,用户可再进行定制安装。此外,Arch Build System(ABS)能支持简便创建新软件包,修改原先软件包的配置,以及通过ArchLinux User Repository来将这些软件包与其他人共享。

Aaron Griffin has announced the release of ArchLinux 2009.02, an independently developed community distribution, basedon a rolling-release package model and targeted at competent GNU/Linuxusers: "We proudly announce the release of the newArch Linux installation images, version 2009.02. It took us quite awhile, but we think the result is worth it - we added some cool newthings and ironed out some long-lasting imperfections. 2009.02 comeswith the following features: Linux kernel 2.6.28; ext4 support,installation can be done on a ext4 root partition; rescue andmaintenance capabilities for ext4 root partitions; fallback ISOs withthe ISOLINUX bootloader, for those that have trouble booting GRUB-basedimages; several bug fixes in the installer; brought the includeddocumentation up to date; inclusion of AIF (Arch Linux InstallationFramework), the next generation installer, currently under development." Here is the full release announcement. Download (MD5): archlinux-2009.02-core-i686.iso (311MB), archlinux-2009.02-core-x86_64.iso (326MB).
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