主题 : Linux 2.6内核已经支持iPhone平台
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0 Linux 2.6内核已经支持iPhone平台

linux 2.6内核目前已经被移植到了苹果公司的iPhone平台上,可以支持第一代与第二代的iPhone,同时还支持第一代的iPod touch.现在的移植工作仅仅是是一个初步的成就,仍然缺失很多驱动的支持,不过这是一个好的兆头.

What we have:

- Framebuffer driver
- Serial driver
- Serial over USB driver
- Interrupts, MMU, clock, etc.

What we have in openiboot (but hasn′t been ported yet):

- Read-only support for the NAND

What we don′t have (yet!):

- Write support for the NAND
- Wireless networking
- Touchscreen
- Sound
- Accelerometer
- Baseband support

演示视频: http://www.vimeo.com/2373142

安装步骤: http://www.iphone-dev.org/planetbeing/LINUX-README.txt

下载: http://localhostr.com/files/b00133/iphonelinux-demo.tar.gz
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